This is a Joint Exhibition held by Japan Building Maintenance Association (JBMA) and Japan Management Association (JMA) featuring every possible business in Building Maintenance and Cleaning Technologies. JBMA is well-known as the public welfare body for raising social position and benefit of cleaning, building facility maintenance and security services, furthermore has been holding trade shows for the industry in alternate years since 1991. Meanwhile, Japan Management Association is an incorporated association annually holding over 40 exhibitions for various industries, and has launched "Clean EXPO" in 2014. Both associations will collaborate in merging the shows for organizing "BUILDING MAINTENANCE HUMAN FAIR & CLEAN EXPO", to establish a collective platform for Building/Facility Maintenance Professionals and Owners, and ultimately will become the largest exhibition of its kind in Japan.
Firstly this show guarantees the visit of building maintenance professionals through the network of JBMA's 47 prefectural branches, and the visitor information owned by both JBMA and JMA developed through trade shows. This show's visitor category will aggregately encompass the following:
Building Maintenance Professionals
Building/Facility Ownerss
Agent Prospects for Manufactured Goodss
Cleaning Services and Franchisess
Retailers for Cleaning Tools and Equipments
Under the domestic depopulation, makers are developing automated cleaning robots that will be available with demonstrations in respective booths. Together with product displays, cleaning professionals will be performing cleaning demonstrations on sight, and an award ceremony will be held rewarding the best cleaning staff nominated from 47 prefectural areas of Japan.