ビルクリーニング分野特定技能1号評価試験 インドネシア試験 合格者 Building cleaning Management skills evaluation test in Indonesia examination pass announcement
We would like to inform you of the results of the Indonesian test conducted in July,2023.
受験者数 467名 / 合格者数 376名 / 合格率 80.5%
Number of examinees 467 / Number of successful applicants 376 / Pass rate 80.5%
* We will not be able to respond to inquiries regarding scoring results, exam questions, correct answers and points.
Those who have the exam number listed are those who have passed the exam.
* You can search the page by pressing “Ctrl + F”.
I202302001 I202302193 I202302414
I202302003 I202302194 I202302417
I202302004 I202302198 I202302418
I202302006 I202302200 I202302419
I202302008 I202302202 I202302422
I202302009 I202302203 I202302423
I202302010 I202302209 I202302425
I202302012 I202302212 I202302426
I202302013 I202302213 I202302427
I202302014 I202302214 I202302431
I202302016 I202302217 I202302433
I202302018 I202302218 I202302437
I202302019 I202302220 I202302439
I202302020 I202302221 I202302442
I202302021 I202302223 I202302444
I202302023 I202302224 I202302446
I202302024 I202302226 I202302448
I202302025 I202302228 I202302449
I202302027 I202302229 I202302452
I202302030 I202302230 I202302453
I202302032 I202302231 I202302455
I202302033 I202302232 I202302457
I202302035 I202302233 I202302458
I202302036 I202302235 I202302460
I202302037 I202302236 I202302461
I202302038 I202302237 I202302462
I202302039 I202302240 I202302463
I202302040 I202302242 I202302465
I202302041 I202302244 I202302466
I202302042 I202302245 I202302468
I202302043 I202302247 I202302469
I202302044 I202302248 I202302472
I202302045 I202302251 I202302474
I202302046 I202302252 I202302476
I202302047 I202302254 I202302480
I202302048 I202302255 I202302487
I202302049 I202302256 I202302488
I202302050 I202302257 I202302489
I202302053 I202302258 I202302490
I202302055 I202302262 I202302492
I202302056 I202302263 I202302496
I202302058 I202302265 I202302497
I202302059 I202302266 I202302499
I202302060 I202302267 I202302502
I202302062 I202302270 I202302503
I202302064 I202302271 I202302504
I202302066 I202302273 I202302505
I202302068 I202302274 I202302509
I202302069 I202302275 I202302512
I202302070 I202302277 I202302514
I202302071 I202302279 I202302516
I202302072 I202302281 I202302517
I202302073 I202302283 I202302520
I202302074 I202302284 I202302521
I202302075 I202302287 I202302522
I202302077 I202302288 I202302523
I202302078 I202302289 I202302524
I202302079 I202302291 I202302525
I202302080 I202302292 I202302527
I202302081 I202302293 I202302530
I202302082 I202302294 I202302532
I202302083 I202302295 I202302533
I202302085 I202302296 I202302534
I202302086 I202302301 I202302537
I202302087 I202302302 I202302540
I202302088 I202302303 I202302543
I202302089 I202302305 I202302544
I202302090 I202302306 I202302546
I202302091 I202302307 I202302547
I202302092 I202302308 I202302548
I202302093 I202302312 I202302549
I202302094 I202302313 I202302550
I202302095 I202302314 I202302551
I202302096 I202302315 I202302552
I202302097 I202302316 I202302553
I202302098 I202302317 I202302554
I202302101 I202302319 I202302555
I202302102 I202302320 I202302556
I202302103 I202302321 I202302557
I202302104 I202302322 I202302558
I202302105 I202302323 I202302559
I202302107 I202302324 I202302560
I202302108 I202302326 I202302561
I202302109 I202302329 I202302562
I202302110 I202302330 I202302563
I202302111 I202302332 I202302564
I202302113 I202302333 I202302565
I202302115 I202302334 I202302566
I202302116 I202302335 I202302568
I202302117 I202302337 I202302569
I202302118 I202302338 I202302570
I202302119 I202302339 I202302573
I202302122 I202302342 I202302574
I202302124 I202302343 I202302575
I202302125 I202302347 I202302576
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I202302139 I202302366 I202302588
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I202302147 I202302373 I202302591
I202302148 I202302374 I202302592
I202302149 I202302375 I202302593
I202302152 I202302382 I202302594
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I202302156 I202302387 I202302596
I202302157 I202302389 I202302597
I202302158 I202302393 I202302598
I202302163 I202302396 I202302599
I202302164 I202302397 I202302600
I202302168 I202302399 I202302601
I202302169 I202302401 I202302602
I202302170 I202302403 I202302604
I202302178 I202302404 I202302606
I202302185 I202302405 I202302607
I202302187 I202302409 I202302608
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I202302192 I202302413